NOTICE: Our store has temporarily moved to the Domus building at 83 Lockwood Avenue in Stamford. PARKING LOT and STORE ENTRANCE at 15 FRANK STREET. Families can submit paperwork now and appointments to shop will begin April 1st at the new location.
Clothes To Kids of Fairfield County is a year-round program. Each eligible child in grade K-12 may visit the CTKF Store twice a year to shop for a full week’s wardrobe of school clothes. Our unique approach is a boutique-style setting where kids work with a personal shopper to choose the clothing they like best.
Four steps to shop with Clothes To Kids:
- Determine if your family is eligible
- Provide proof of eligibility
- Register your family to shop
- We’ll schedule your appointment to shop in the CTKF Store
**Important Note: You must register your family to shop -and- provide proof of eligibility before each appointment.

Step 1: Determine if your family is eligible
In order to be eligible to shop with Clothes To Kids of Fairfield County:
- Your family must live in Fairfield County, Connecticut.
- Your child must be enrolled in a Fairfield County school, in grades K-12 or working toward earning their General Equivalency Degree (GED).
- We do not serve children who are not yet in kindergarten -or- who are younger than 4-years-old, even if they are attending daycare or Headstart.
- Your family must be considered in financial need of assistance, such as:
- Enrolled in HUSKY A, CONNECT, or SNAP
- In crisis due to natural disaster, homelessness, or displacement.
Step 2: Provide proof of eligibility
One of the following documents is required for each child:
- State of Connecticut – Department of Social Services – Verification of Benefits (Form W-0071).
- If your child is enrolled in HUSKY A, CONNECT, or SNAP, this form will include the name of the child(ren), the program they are enrolled in, and the effective dates of their coverage.
- If you have an online account with the Department of Social Services (DSS), you can visit the DSS website to access a copy of Form W-0071.
- You can also call DSS at (855) 626-6632, or visit your local DSS office, to obtain a copy of Form W-0071.
- Click here to see an example of Form W-0071
- Access Health CT – HUSKY A Health Care Coverage (Form 1301)**
- If your child is enrolled in HUSKY A, this form will include the name of the child(ren) and the effective dates of their coverage.
- If you have an online account with Access Health CT, you can visit the Access Health CT website to access a copy Form 1301.
- You can also call Access Health CT at (855) 805-4325 to obtain a copy of Form 1301.
- Click here to see an example of Form 1301
- Household Income Survey Letter
- The letter must list each eligible child and is valid for the current school year.
- CTKF Referral Form
- This form must be completed by an approved community advocate. Parents and guardians should not use this form.
- A referral form is valid for the first visit with CTKF only. Eligibility for subsequent appointments will require that each child be enrolled in HUSKY A, CONNECT or SNAP.
Step 3: Register your family to shop
CTKF clients shop by appointment and must register before an appointment can be scheduled with Clothes To Kids of Fairfield County. We have prepared an online registration form in both English and Spanish.
When you register your family, you will be asked to provide the following:
- Parent/legal guardian contact information
- Name, age, and school for each child
- Clothing sizes for each child
- A copy of the proof of eligibility document for each child. The form must list each child’s name and their effective dates of coverage.
**Important Note: You must register your family to shop -and- provide proof of eligibility before each appointment.
Follow these steps to send us your eligibility document(s):
- Email the documents to
- Include the proof of eligibility document for each child as an email attachment.
- Example subject line: “Peter Smith eligibility documents”
Step 4: We’ll schedule your appointment to shop
The CTKF Store is open by appointment only. Once we have received your completed Register To Shop form -AND- Proof of Eligibility documents for each child, our Appointment Scheduler will text you to provide a date and time to shop at the CTKF Store.
Appointments are available Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays at 10am, 11am, and 12pm. Fall/Winter clothing is available September through February. Spring/Summer clothing is available March through June.
*NEW* Our store has temporarily moved to the DOMUS building at 83 Lockwood Avenue, Stamford CT (parking lot and store entrance at 15 Frank Street).
Required for each appointment:
- The parent or legal guardian must bring a photo ID.
- Only two family members are allowed in the store at a time.
- Please bring at least TWO (2) LARGE SHOPPING BAGS for EACH CHILD.
- Masks are required in the CTKF Store.
- If you need to cancel or change your appointment, please call (475) 685-8032.
- If you will be late to your appointment, please call (475) 685-8032. We may need to reschedule.