Refer a Family

Do you know a family in need of assistance with school clothing? This page is for agencies, school employees, religious leaders, and other approved community advocates who want to refer a family in crisis—due to natural disaster, homelessness, or displacement—to receive clothing from Clothes To Kids of Fairfield County (CTKF). To review the complete program requirements, please visit our Shop With Us page.

Thank you for helping us reach children in need of school clothing.

Who can make a referral?

The following community advocates are approved to refer a family or child to Clothes To Kids:

  • A social worker or case manager employed at a local social service agency.
  • A teacher, administrator, guidance counselor or social worker at a school.
  • A pediatrician or family doctor.
  • A leader from a place of worship.
  • A police officer, fireman, etc.

How to refer a family in crisis

Using the CTKF Referral Form is the perfect way for community advocates to refer a family in crisis for shopping at Clothes To Kids of Fairfield County. CTKF is a year-round program and each eligible child may visit our store twice in a 12-month period, to shop for a full week’s wardrobe of school clothes. The referral is valid for the first appointment to shop.

  1. Review our Shop With Us guidelines

  2. Refer only those families you know firsthand, and who you have determined to be in crisis, eligible to receive clothing from CTKF, and *not yet* enrolled in a financial assistance program (HUSKY A, CONNECT, or SNAP).

    See details in “Shop With Us – Step 1: Determine if your family is eligible”.

  3. Complete a CTKF Referral Form for the family’s *first* appointment with CTKF.

    All subsequent appointments will require proof of financial assistance.

  4. Email the signed CTKF Referral Form to Kathianne Robins,

    Include the parent/guardian’s full name in the subject line.

  5. Please have the parent/guardian complete our Register to Shop form.

    The family must register to shop before each appointment.
    See the “Shop With Us – Step 3: Register Your Family To Shop” for more information.

NOTE: Parents and guardians should not use the CTKF Referral form.

Important notes about referrals:

  • The referral provides “proof of eligibility” for the first appointment to shop. All subsequent appointments will require proof of financial assistance.
  • To be valid, the form must be filled out completely, and signed and dated by the person making the referral.
  • Please include all requested information for each eligible child.
  • Referrals expire two months from the date received.
  • Referrals are subject to verification.
  • Once we have received the signed Referral Form and the “Register to Shop” form, our Appointment Scheduler will contact the parent/guardian to set up an appointment to shop.
  • The CTKF Store is in the DOMUS Building, at 83 Lockwood Avenue in Stamford (parking lot and store entrance on 15 Frank Street).